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Saturday, March 17, 2012

Day 1

After unloading Fluff's U-Haul and loading up Pearl we hit the road at 6 a.mish.  We made it all the way to Stephenville before stopping for our first cup of coffee and a little breakfast.  After a brief skirmish with the GPS we made a sufficient amout of U-turns to head in the right direction.  The unplanned tour of Tarleton was delightful. Gassed up in Brownwood and made it all the way to Fort Stockton.  We were able to go right to the library.  I went through the microfisch and found the front page picture of my mother's wedding along with the write up. It made her sound like royalty.  I had forgotten how beautiful she was.  Jan drove around town until we found my old houses and old school.  Apache Elementary.  We got some good pictures and had a very successful day.  Nobody had to wear the necklace.  Jan has started drinking though.  She gifted me with a nice bottle of wine she said reminded her of me.  Please see picture of same.  have also posted picture of my old house.  Hope the blog gets better as we go. We are in for the night over the Drug Store.  Had great dinner and walk.  Will roll out for Tombstone in the early a.m.


  1. Too bad you couldn't get a picture of the paper. I would have loved to have seen the picture of your mother. The boys and I will have to watch Tombstone tomorrow so we can feel connected to you on your trip. I just love that movie!

  2. Cool way to start the trip ladies...starting at your roots is always a great way to go! Head West young things!!!

  3. I would have loved to have seen the picture too! Keep on blogging...this is great! Can't wait to see and hear more. Hope that since Jan got started drinking that she will be able to stop before she gets home...LOL!!! Be Safe!
    Lorie Egan
