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Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Day 4

We started out early this morning on Coronado Island.  We ate breakfast at a local hangout and then walked on the beach.  We wended our way through the quaint neighborhoods and check out of the hotel before noon.  It took us about an hour and 1/2 to drive to Long Beach and we checked in to the Queen Mary about one-ish.  We schlepped our stuff aboard and into our deluxe cabin.  It was like stepping back in time.  All of the wood has a beautiful burrled veneer.  Art deco is everywhere. We will take more pictures tomorrow and take a tour. We had wine and an appetizer in the Observation bar and then Jan's cousin Sue picked us up.  We were looking for a good place to eat when we stumbled across the Hot'N'Tot family restaurant.  We couldn't pass it up!  After some rib sticking grub we are back on board.  Ready to rest up for another long day tomorrow. The weather is beautiful cool and sunny.


  1. Been great to travel along with you two! Sounds like an adventure so far. Great to see your childhood house. Sheeba

  2. Been great to travel along with you two! Sounds like an adventure so far. Great to see your childhood house. Sheeba

  3. I hope you're taking lots of pictures. I'm enjoying reading the posts! Sounds like you guys are having a good time.
    Chris Massey

  4. I love reading the posts. Can't wait to see all the pictures and more stories. Hot N ToT sounds interestng? Cont to have fun and enjoy! Nancy

  5. Well, at least you aren't standing by a 'Hot to Trot' sign!
    Then Lew might have to call you home, Jan.
    Soooo great seeing you last night, and meeting you, Thea. I love what you are doing, and am inspired to plan a road trip too. (NOT in the porsche)!
